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import { VectorHelperService } from "../../api/vector-helper.service"; import { ConverterService } from "./converter.service"; import { EntitiesService } from "./entities.service"; export class TransformsService { constructor( private readonly occ: OpenCascadeInstance, private readonly converterService: ConverterService, private readonly entitiesService: EntitiesService, private readonly vecHelper: VectorHelperService ) { } alignAndTranslate(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.AlignAndTranslateDto<TopoDS_Shape>): TopoDS_Shape { const alignedShape = this.align( { shape: inputs.shape, fromOrigin: [0, 0, 0], fromDirection: [0, 1, 0], toOrigin: [0, 0, 0], toDirection: inputs.direction } ); const translated = this.translate( { shape: alignedShape, translation: } ); alignedShape.delete(); return translated; } scale3d(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.Scale3DDto<TopoDS_Shape>): TopoDS_Shape { const shapeTranslated = this.translate({ shape: inputs.shape, translation: => -c) as Inputs.Base.Vector3 }); const transformation = new this.occ.gp_GTrsf_1(); const scale = inputs.scale; const mat = new this.occ.gp_Mat_2(scale[0], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, scale[1], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, scale[2]); transformation.SetVectorialPart(mat); let result; try { const gtrans = new this.occ.BRepBuilderAPI_GTransform_2(shapeTranslated as TopoDS_Shape, transformation, false); const messageProps = new this.occ.Message_ProgressRange_1(); gtrans.Build(messageProps); const scaledShape = gtrans.Shape(); result = this.translate({ shape: scaledShape, translation: }); gtrans.delete(); scaledShape.delete(); messageProps.delete(); } catch (ex) { throw new Error("Could not scale the shape"); } shapeTranslated.delete(); transformation.delete(); mat.delete(); return result; } translate(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.TranslateDto<TopoDS_Shape>) { const transformation = new this.occ.gp_Trsf_1(); const gpVec = new this.occ.gp_Vec_4(inputs.translation[0], inputs.translation[1], inputs.translation[2]); transformation.SetTranslation_1(gpVec); const transf = new this.occ.BRepBuilderAPI_Transform_2(inputs.shape, transformation, true); const s = transf.Shape(); const shp = this.converterService.getActualTypeOfShape(s); s.delete(); transformation.delete(); transf.delete(); gpVec.delete(); return shp; } mirror(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.MirrorDto<TopoDS_Shape>) { const transformation = new this.occ.gp_Trsf_1(); const ax1 = this.entitiesService.gpAx1(inputs.origin, inputs.direction); transformation.SetMirror_2(ax1); const transformed = new this.occ.BRepBuilderAPI_Transform_2(inputs.shape, transformation, true); const transformedShape = transformed.Shape(); const shp = this.converterService.getActualTypeOfShape(transformedShape); transformedShape.delete(); transformed.delete(); transformation.delete(); ax1.delete(); return shp; } mirrorAlongNormal(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.MirrorAlongNormalDto<TopoDS_Shape>) { const transformation = new this.occ.gp_Trsf_1(); const ax = this.entitiesService.gpAx2(inputs.origin, inputs.normal); transformation.SetMirror_3(ax); const transformed = new this.occ.BRepBuilderAPI_Transform_2(inputs.shape, transformation, true); const transformedShape = transformed.Shape(); const shp = this.converterService.getActualTypeOfShape(transformedShape); ax.delete(); transformedShape.delete(); transformed.delete(); transformation.delete(); return shp; } rotate(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.RotateDto<TopoDS_Shape>) { let rotated; if (inputs.angle === 0) { rotated = inputs.shape; } else { const transformation = new this.occ.gp_Trsf_1(); const gpVec = new this.occ.gp_Vec_4(inputs.axis[0], inputs.axis[1], inputs.axis[2]); const dir = new this.occ.gp_Dir_4(inputs.axis[0], inputs.axis[1], inputs.axis[2]); const pt1 = new this.occ.gp_Pnt_3(0, 0, 0); const ax = new this.occ.gp_Ax1_2(pt1, dir); transformation.SetRotation_1(ax, this.vecHelper.degToRad(inputs.angle)); const transf = new this.occ.BRepBuilderAPI_Transform_2(inputs.shape, transformation, true); const s = transf.Shape(); const shp = this.converterService.getActualTypeOfShape(s); s.delete(); gpVec.delete(); dir.delete(); pt1.delete(); ax.delete(); transf.delete(); transformation.delete(); return shp; } const actualShape = this.converterService.getActualTypeOfShape(rotated); Iif (inputs.angle !== 0) { rotated.delete(); } return actualShape; } align(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.AlignDto<TopoDS_Shape>) { const transformation = new this.occ.gp_Trsf_1(); const ax1 = this.entitiesService.gpAx3(inputs.fromOrigin, inputs.fromDirection); const ax2 = this.entitiesService.gpAx3(inputs.toOrigin, inputs.toDirection); transformation.SetDisplacement( ax1, ax2, ); const translation = new this.occ.TopLoc_Location_2(transformation); const moved = inputs.shape.Moved(translation, false); transformation.delete(); ax1.delete(); ax2.delete(); const shp = this.converterService.getActualTypeOfShape(moved); moved.delete(); return shp; } } |